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Spain Football Logo

Spain National Team Crest: What Meaning Behind

Coat of Arms, Not a Logo

Rather than displaying the logo of the Spanish Football Federation, Spain's jersey traditionally features the country's coat of arms over the left side. You have certainly seen it more often than most other badges of national football teams, but you likely did never asked what the elements of it.


The shield is divided into four quadrants. The first quadrant shows the coat of arms of Castile, a castle on a red background. The second quadrant shows the coat of arms of Leon, a purple lion on a gold background. The third quadrant shows the coat of arms of Aragon, four red stripes on a gold background. The fourth quadrant shows the coat of arms of Navarre, a chain of gold on a red background.


The shield is surmounted by a royal crown, which represents the monarchy of Spain.

Pillars of Hercules

The shield is flanked by two pillars, which represent the Pillars of Hercules. The Pillars of Hercules are two mythical pillars that were said to mark the edge of the world.


The shield is surrounded by a motto, which reads "Plus Ultra." This means "Further Beyond" and represents Spain's desire to explore and conquer.


The Spain national team crest is a symbol of the country's history, culture, and values. It is a reminder of Spain's rich past and its bright future.
